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Direct School Admissions (DSA)

Basketball Lessons for DSA

Is your child dreaming of entering a basketball-focused school? Are you aiming to harness their talents to help them enroll in their desired school of choice? Look no further than our Direct School Admission (DSA) Program at MGM Basketball Academy.

Our coaches have successfully secured DSA slots for over 100 students in their chosen schools. With our extensive experience and understanding of various schools’ requirements, we can best advise, plan, and execute the necessary steps to achieve your child’s goals.

MGM Basketball Academy’s Direct School Admissions (DSA) Program:

Phase 1: Consultation

In this phase, we will thoroughly explore the student’s grades, basketball skills, performance in competitions, and their dream school. With this information, we can advise on the likelihood of enrollment in certain schools and work out a realistic and achievable plan. Our goal is to ensure the best possible chance of entering the desired school or the next best option.

Parents will also be thoroughly informed and consulted on the training plans at this phase. The DSA program is a long-term commitment, and parental understanding and support are crucial. We ensure parents are well-informed about each stage of progress.

Phase 2: Training Plans - Basketball and Interviews

Competitive training plans will be designed and executed to help your child reach their objectives. We will expose the child to numerous competitions to enhance their portfolio, making them more attractive to their desired schools.

In addition to on-court training, we emphasize interview skills, a key component of the DSA application process. Often neglected, we prioritize ensuring our DSA trainees are well-spoken and confident. Our aim is to develop well-rounded athletes that schools desire.

Phase 3: DSA Trial and Interview

When the DSA window opens, we will guide your child and you every step of the way. The DSA process involves complex steps, and many parents find it overwhelming. We ensure a smooth experience by handling registration, preparation, and accompanying your child for every trial.

From paperwork and administrative documents to skills, drills, and video analytical tools, we provide everything needed for your child’s success. Parents can focus on giving moral support, knowing that all logistical aspects are covered.

Enquire with us to find out more about our best-matched, best-fit, and fuss-free experience, enabling your child to get into the school of their choice with MGM Basketball Academy.