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  • Singapore
  • mgm.8asketbal1@gmail.com
  • +65 9895 4777

Kids' Basketball Training

At MGM Basketball Academy, our professional coaches are specially trained in the fields of kids’ sports psychology and psychomotor coordination skills. We understand the profound impact our coaches can have on a child’s sporting journey, so we take great care to ensure each child is handled with individual attention and care.

Why Choose MGM Basketball Academy for Your Child?

  • Personalized Programs: Each program is tailored to the unique needs and abilities of your child.
  • Fun and Enjoyment: We ensure that learning is fun and engaging.
  • Sporting Values: Instilling important values such as teamwork, discipline, and perseverance.
  • Fundamental Sports and Basketball Skills: Building a solid foundation in sports and basketball.
  • Head Coaches Performance Review: Regular assessments by our head coaches to ensure top-quality training.
  • Admin Team Performance Review: Continuous monitoring by our admin team to keep everything on track.

Comprehensive Progress Tracking

After every lesson, our coaches draft a detailed training and progress report for the parent. This report is also shared with our admin and head coaching team to ensure each child’s development is closely monitored and aligned with their goals.

Advanced Video Analysis

Our video analysis team prepares video snippets for deeper progress analysis with our coaches, providing an additional layer of insight into your child’s development.

Join the Lion’s Pride

At MGM Basketball Academy, we are dedicated to nurturing young athletes, fostering their love for basketball, and helping them grow both on and off the court. Our holistic approach ensures that your child’s sporting journey is both enjoyable and impactful.

For more information, visit MGM Basketball Academy and join our community today. Let’s roar together!